Monday, April 20, 2009

Just Dance!!!!

The last few weeks have been full of dance competitions for the girls! The first week was in Logan and it was on Kayla's 11th Birthday. We had to be there at 6:45 in the morning! (Ya, I Know!)Poor Madison was sick that day (she had had a 103 fever for 3 days) but was a trooper and danced anyway.
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The second dance competition was at the Energy Solution Arena. The girls were excited to dance on the same floor that the Jazz play on.
The last competition was in good old Malad ,Id. (it is an okay place to visit, but I am glad I don't live there! Tremonton is soooooo much cooler!) The girls did awesome at all the competitions! They all worked so hard and it showed! They got a lot of high rankings (5 1st places) and even a Judges Choice Award!
It was fun watching them, but I am glad that we are done until next year!


Shelli Roholt said...

cute dance pictures!!! i had so much fun when my girls danced, but was a bit relieved when they decided to do the sport thing!!! hey curious-- how do you get so many pics that look like they are on the same page?? it is darling!!

Cam and Mary said...

Very cute pics! Who did their hair?

Shelli Roholt said...

hey keribeth--- thanks for the comments!!! so is it just where you downloaded that?? let me know and i will definelty try it, i may have questions, some of the computer stuff is like a foreign language!! haha

Grandma's Joys said...

grBrings back memories of when I used to take you to dance competitions. They didn't have all this cool computer technology so I could post your pictures. You're probably grateful...I didn't do cute hair!!! Thanks for letting me tag along the other day. Enjoyed being there in person. They did a really good job. They are so fun to watch.

Dalynn said...

What?! Malad isn't cool?! We're totally making a trip there next week specifically for the Malad Drive In. Here we come Grilled Bacon Double Decker.
Congrats to the girls. I keep asking Mika if she wants to do dance or singing and she keeps choosing singing. Maybe Ember will be our dancer.

Scott and Shay said...

The girls did soooo good! I bet you can't wait for next year....hahahahaha it only gets better.

The Ball Family said...

Ohh they are so cute. I am surprised that you have little dancers. You were never that into dancing when we were young.

2tontansy said...

Your girls look so cute in their dance pictures. Obviously you didn't get to have the scenic tour of Malad. Plus the Dude Ranch Cafe wasn't open then. I live in Malad, and wouldn't trade it for a million dollars. It helps that I'm married to a farmer too.