Thursday, May 7, 2009

Look a like friends!!!!

Do these two girls look a like or what?
This is Madison and one of her best freinds Teran. They have been friends since kindergarten. Teachers and the secertary at the school get them confused all of the time. Last year people kept asking me how Maddi was doing after getting her tonsils out. I was confused becasuse she didn't have her tonsils out. Come to find out it ws Teran that had gotten her tonsils out! A few other things like that have happend, I think it is so funny! How does Maddi look more like Teran than her own sister? HMMMMMM? Anyway it sis fun for them and they like it! I hope they will continue to be friends for a long time!
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Cam and Mary said...

What cute girls!

Beads of Time said...

How fun! In high school people would get me and my best friend mixed up all the time...I thought it was so hillarious, but it's kind of fun to have that bond!

Scott and Shay said...

haha that was Shay...sorry starting a blog for some watches that I'm making...

Grandma's Joys said...

How fun! Now she will kind of now what it is like to have a twin!